Wilde Isar – Naturschätze zwischen Hochgebirge, Stadt und Auenlandschaft
the river isar is the last wild river in bavaria. with its natural habitats and its wild flora and fauna, it shapes landscape at the foothills of the alps over almost 300 km. in a joint project of the regional group 15 gdt e.v. we followed the river from the source to the the danube river. the project resulted in a wonderful illustrated book published in 2020. accompanying a multimedia show and outstanding pictures can be admired in an exhibition at different locations. follow the links for more information & the book.

melting giants
since some years tobias büttel and i have been dealing with the drastic retreat of the glaciers in the alps. we try to show that climate change and species extinction are probably the greatest challenges of our time. Daniela La Luz enchants the impressions into an electronic music world and draws generations’ attention.
More coming soon …